Welcome to Step 4! Grab your pen, you’ll need to sit down for this. Print off PDF handout “Expose your Inner Mean Girl(s)”.
You’re going to get really familiar with your IMGs’ Hot Spots. See what they are costing you and how they keep you stuck. You’ll get the chance to reflect on the seven areas of Life and be very honest with yourself.
The problem with the comfort zone where we simply accept and surrender to the force of our own negativity.. the problem is that the comfort zone is not really comfortable at all. It’s like that story of the frogs in the pot.. have I told you that story yet?
Eventually, the IMGs will get you because repeat stress is what trauma is made up of… it causes chronic illness, relationship problems, financial stress, and a lot of misery.
This is why you are “finding your brave”. A brave woman dares to look within and dares to reflect deeply, take action, invest in herself and make the changes. She wants the best for herself and her loved ones. Congratulations for staying on the path … on this journey with me. We’ll chat soon about what you’ve discovered! 🥰
Make sure you stay on the Superpower ⭕️ group to ensure you don’t miss a thing! https://chat.whatsapp.com/HN36myPQzw0Ho5tuM5QJIe
#FindYourBrave #SelfDiscovery
In case you haven’t yet joined .. here’s the link to join me on my WhatsApp channel for the full program and much more.
Here’s the pdf download again: