Reflection on my journey – and an invitation to you too

✈️Have you ever been to Norway? In the winter? I was so pleasantly surprised by how multicultural my experience was- well it was indeed an international conference .. yet even the locals included Indonesians and Africans and a Pakistani lady who had lived there over 18 years!

❄️The other thing that surprised everyone was how cold I did NOT feel – the -3 temperature was actually refreshing.. and no I am not having hot flashes 🤣not yet anyway!

🙏🏽I am grateful for the opportunity to have met and facilitated a leadership workshop for 103 professionals and senior staff of various organisations and companies across the globe. Very humbled and after 25 years of doing this work I can say I do love my work and can finally really be ME.. even when in front of large groups. It has been a journey.

👩🏽And none of this ever came naturally. I was a shy child until encouraged to dance in stage and express myself non-verbally.. being a highly sensitive person I set myself up for lots of possibility for “feedback – including criticism and continual evaluations by strangers”

🦋Why oh why? I could have hidden as a Librarian or behind a desk. Yet my soul called me out into the public repeatedly. And I grew..

And I am thankful for the journey to date..

🐾What’s your journey?

🐾What stretched you out of your comfort zone?

🐾How did you handle criticism?

🐾What can you now be proud of?

🐾What dreams are still remaining to be fulfilled?

I invite you to take a moment and reflect, process your journey.

And I congratulate you for all that you have survived and achieved no matter how humble or great.

You are YOU and life will keep inviting you to grow..

👍🏽Take a bold step today! You will be thankful later that you braved it!

Do you have a dream team? Isn’t that just for celebrities? No way!

My dear client Maryanne Karanja mentions here a “dream team”. And she’s right.. everyone needs a dream team .. to support them through the crazy moments and cheer them on when they are back in their path again.

Who is your dream team? And if you are unsure or feel you don’t have one, have you asked anyone to become your dream team buddy? Sometimes we don’t ask?

I once had a client who told me when her mum dies she had no support. And guess what? We reframed that, shed some limiting beliefs. She now has the most supportive boss, her husband kicked into supportive action and she told me she now sees her beloved late mum’s supportive energy in so many people.

Nothing is lost, it’s all within us.. it’s just how we see it! Just a perspective. That can be shifted and licked into place like Tupperware 😉💕

Time to find that dream team, become a buddy for someone, be your own dream team to YOU! See dream teams rather than bullies, critics. Where your focus goes energy flows. (Says one of my dream team, Brett Ellis)

No one does it alone -so why even try! If you need help GET it, it may be costly, date to invest in a good teacher, mentor, coach or give to your buddies and ask when you need sth. Learn to receive!

Thank you Maryanne – you just joined my dream team coz you taught me sth! 🤗