I love this story. We get into a rat race and forget that all we ever wanted to have the life we have or had previously. The simple life, before we complicated it. However this is actually part of our evolution because we also need to go beyond the comfort zone, to strive and achieve … and we gain skills and wisdom along the way from our success and from our failure – from our heartbreaks and disappointments and from our stretching of ourselves and experiences that are beyond  the grey, comfort zone. 

This fisherman guy with his pipe may already know what he wants but he may also not know what he is missing – it depends on if he has a dream to follow or not, if he’s doing things out of fear or out of following his heart and if he’s really congruent with his current way of life. 

And the industrialist guy.. is he is simply a projection? Maybe is he not simply reflecting a part of the fisherman calling him to launch into entrepreneurship? ..  or it it the devil testing him .. to see if what he wants and has is still just that.. what he wants … hmmmm… 

My conclusion? 

Change and evolution doesn’t happen in a straight line 

Choose a direction & Follow your heart – first get to know yourself, clear up unresolved stuff and keep following one day at a time! 




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