My Blog

Personal Evolution Resources

Reflection on my journey – and an invitation to you too

✈️Have you ever been to Norway? In the winter? I was so pleasantly surprised by how multicultural my experience was- well it was indeed an international conference .. yet even the locals included Indonesians and Africans and a Pakistani lady who had lived there over...

Story of the fisherman – my thoughts on growth vs comfort

I love this story. We get into a rat race and forget that all we ever wanted to have the life we have or had previously. The simple life, before we complicated it. However this is actually part of our evolution because we also need to go beyond the comfort zone, to...

Online Coaching Resources

Reflection on my journey – and an invitation to you too

✈️Have you ever been to Norway? In the winter? I was so pleasantly surprised by how multicultural my experience was..

Do you have a dream team? Isn’t that just for celebrities? No way!

My dear client Maryanne Karanja mentions here a “dream team”. And she’s right.. everyone needs a dream team ..

What is “Emotional Fitness”?

Emotional fitness is a state of mind where you are able to maintain a stream of positive thoughts and thus be able to focus on creative and constructive tasks.

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