Reflection on my journey – and an invitation to you too

✈️Have you ever been to Norway? In the winter? I was so pleasantly surprised by how multicultural my experience was- well it was indeed an international conference .. yet even the locals included Indonesians and Africans and a Pakistani lady who had lived there over 18 years!

❄️The other thing that surprised everyone was how cold I did NOT feel – the -3 temperature was actually refreshing.. and no I am not having hot flashes 🤣not yet anyway!

🙏🏽I am grateful for the opportunity to have met and facilitated a leadership workshop for 103 professionals and senior staff of various organisations and companies across the globe. Very humbled and after 25 years of doing this work I can say I do love my work and can finally really be ME.. even when in front of large groups. It has been a journey.

👩🏽And none of this ever came naturally. I was a shy child until encouraged to dance in stage and express myself non-verbally.. being a highly sensitive person I set myself up for lots of possibility for “feedback – including criticism and continual evaluations by strangers”

🦋Why oh why? I could have hidden as a Librarian or behind a desk. Yet my soul called me out into the public repeatedly. And I grew..

And I am thankful for the journey to date..

🐾What’s your journey?

🐾What stretched you out of your comfort zone?

🐾How did you handle criticism?

🐾What can you now be proud of?

🐾What dreams are still remaining to be fulfilled?

I invite you to take a moment and reflect, process your journey.

And I congratulate you for all that you have survived and achieved no matter how humble or great.

You are YOU and life will keep inviting you to grow..

👍🏽Take a bold step today! You will be thankful later that you braved it!

Story of the fisherman – my thoughts on growth vs comfort

I love this story. We get into a rat race and forget that all we ever wanted to have the life we have or had previously. The simple life, before we complicated it. However this is actually part of our evolution because we also need to go beyond the comfort zone, to strive and achieve … and we gain skills and wisdom along the way from our success and from our failure – from our heartbreaks and disappointments and from our stretching of ourselves and experiences that are beyond  the grey, comfort zone. 

This fisherman guy with his pipe may already know what he wants but he may also not know what he is missing – it depends on if he has a dream to follow or not, if he’s doing things out of fear or out of following his heart and if he’s really congruent with his current way of life. 

And the industrialist guy.. is he is simply a projection? Maybe is he not simply reflecting a part of the fisherman calling him to launch into entrepreneurship? ..  or it it the devil testing him .. to see if what he wants and has is still just that.. what he wants … hmmmm… 

My conclusion? 

Change and evolution doesn’t happen in a straight line 

Choose a direction & Follow your heart – first get to know yourself, clear up unresolved stuff and keep following one day at a time! 




How do I harvest the year that just flew past and create that elusive”happy” new year?


Dear Friends,

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you all!

And I know this is EASIER said than done – the “happy” part!!!

A week ago I realised the year had raced past. December already?? what? how? I was a little under the weather and felt I couldn’t digest it all. Within just over a year two dear sweet friends had tragically lost their spouses. I was beginning to question a lot about the meaning of all these life changes.. and started to feel quite depressed.

It was overwhelming, I thought about the things I hadn’t yet done, I felt unsure if my choices were the right ones,  I couldn’t even remember the good stuff or nor recognise my own achievements. I certainly didn’t want to “celebrate” JUST because its supposed to be the festive season! I became skeptical and self-doubting – and dreaded what would be looming ahead… because I was absolutely unable to see the big picture of the past 12 months, let alone “make goals” for 2019! Yikes!

Then I remembered that I have the most amazing tool, which I use annually.

So i I took myself into the garden with my big coloured markers and lots of flipchart paper and the magic began!

Through this beautiful coaching process I began to see all the miracles that I have encountered.. all the events and people that I needed to let go of and forgive. I allowed myself to come out of the numb state I was in and with compassion for myself I felt all the joy and all the sorrow that I had stuffed inside. I admired all the skills I had gained even if aquired through challenging uncomfortable situations – and I saw clearly all the pleasant and unplanned surprises.. I even heard the voices of all the amazing people who have encouraged and supported me directly and indirectly.

This is truly a gift and a skill worth having… I am so happy to have it… in NLP we call it “reframing”, other people call it “harvesting” .. and by using various coaching techniques we can permanently resolve the unfathomable, we can clean up our negative thoughts and feelings,  we can clearly set our vision in the part of our minds that control 90% of our behaviour.. we can become still, present, connected and whole again – even when everything around us has been chaotic.. YES!

This is indeed a gift worth sharing with others and who best to facilitate it than someone called a Life Coach?!! Aha! I can show you the HOW of having a “Happy” New Year… for last year and this year!!

So, from my own gloomy miserable day arose my latest offer direct from my heart to yours…

I am offering to SEVEN  people only: individual coaching sessions online at $299 only!

The special session includes a reflection worksheet and a personalised 60 minute session to work on whatever we find is your first step towards a more peaceful, happy, healthy and amazing year ahead.

Available to the first 7 people to enrol only.

Applications by email only:
🌈 Shilpa 0722756606

Shilpa Shah
Certified NLP Trainer, Master NLP & Quantum Life Coach, Facilitator & Management Trainer
Inside Out Consultancy, Nairobi, Kenya  Mobile: +254 722 756606